Friday, March 23, 2012

Auto Dialer Security and Safety Alarm

Auto Dialer Security and Safety Alarm
Price : $30.00
You Save : $47.99 (62%)

Product Description

Mount five to 6 ft above the floor. Dimensions: 3 three/16 x 6 x 1 1/two inches
Auto Dialer Security and Safety Alarm

Buyer Reviews

If you're seeking to add a tiny protection to your property or apt, this could be what you are hunting for.
Initial off, it's got some good features. The dialing of numbers operates nicely, and there is a panel you can remove that gives access to some terminals that permit you to add other inputs and an external siren. Also, the siren inside is a lot loud in my opinion.
The longest delay you can set before the system triggers is 20 seconds. So if this isn't mounted proper close to your door, you quite substantially have to go straight to it and disarm it. The delay following arming it is a solid 60 seconds.
My greatest problem with it was that it really is all 1 piece, given that the most effective place to put a motion sensor is high up in a corner, and the best location to put the manage box is someplace hidden near your door (and near a phone outlet). I really hacked apart the device and extended the wires connecting the two pieces so I could mount the motion sensor farther from the control box. This arrangement is operating out nicely. The battery backup functions fine, and I also extended the power cord to the control box.
The motion sensor itself picks up movement really nicely and does not pick up movement outside glass windows, specifically what you'd want.
The ease of adding inputs and outputs and extending and modding what is there tends to make this device a fine brain for a DIY safety system. Plus, you can not beat the price tag.

This small gem is priceless! We had doubts of it's dependability and though we've only had it installed for a handful of weeks it has already worked well....a small also nicely. The unit is placed in a remote place and dials our household. A single late night the telephone rang and the alram sounded - rushed to the sight with gun and clubs in hand only to get that a extremely massive spider triggered it. Whew, a tiny bug spray later we are fairly pleased with this unit.
Auto Dialer Security and Safety Alarm

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